We at ”Yingbai” Logistics provide comprehensive and specialized logistics solutions to our clients. We deliver your shipments like ours. This is essential as global purchasing and business model has changed drastically over the years, and it is expected to change at an even faster pace. With proven records and experience since 2012, we are confident that we are able to meet your needs and ultimately the needs of your clients.
11 Years of Experience
Wide Range of Business 24/7 Availability
Our business including : FCL, LCL , Air import & export, Truck, Warehouse, Custom Declaration, FBA, Railway , C/O, Form A , Form E, Form F , Export license, Commodity inspection.
Welcome contact us today , Our staff will reply you in 24 hours : ship@yb-logistics.com
Our business including: FCL, LCL, Air import & export, Truck, Warehouse, Custom Declaration, FBA, Railway, C/O, Form A, Form E, Form F, Export license , Commodity inspection.
Welcome contact us today, Our staff will reply you in 24 hours: ship@yb-logistics.com